December 18, 2007

Tuesday To Do

I'm going to keep going with my "Daily To Dos". Shelley has joined me and I'm hoping that she'll help keep me accountable on this one! Here my list:

1) Quiet Time
2) Exercise
3) Decorate Christmas tree
4) Put Christmas decoration box away
5) vacuum rug in living room
6) straighten up living room
7) 2 loads of laundry (washed and dried one load and started another)

Monkey's napping, off to start my To Dos!

I failed miserably today :-( It's always rough coming back from vacation and today I was just behind. But, tomorrow is a new day and I'll start off where I left off!


Shelley said...

awh, crap...does that mean that I actually have to do all the stuff on my list?

I really just like writing the list and imagining it getting completed.

Well, I guess that's the kick in the butt I needed to get up and clean the kitchen!

Shelley said...

congrats on what you got done! go you!!