May 1, 2008

Smoothie = Very Cold Monkey

So, I've been making the 3 of us Green Smoothies in the morning. Basically, it's a fruit smoothie with dark leafy greens in it to get all the yummy benefits of them without having to have a spinach salad every day. Plus, I've never had collard greens before, but I've heard they're good for you. It just tastes fruity, but looks green. Kyle and I each drink about 16oz. and I give Maddox about 6oz. Any way, today, Maddox is sitting on the kitchen floor drinking his smoothie and I look down and his lips are blue and his jaw is literally quaking. Poor guy!


Shelley said...

poor lil fella! But he sure must have liked it to keep on eating it!

Anonymous said...

That's funny and sad... but a warm smoothie would not be the same. Yuck.

My name is Michelle. said...

I didn't know you were doing this too! Are you using greensmoothiegirls site?

Kristen's Raw said...

Green smoothies are so refreshing and full of the greatest nutrition! I added some goji berries and hemp protein powder to mine today for added "oomf!"

Cheers :)

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness!! Lol thats so sad and so funny at the same time! Poor guy!