January 31, 2008

My *Sweet* Time of Day

I love being a mom, I love being a wife. I love taking care of my house and cooking yummy meals. But, I find little time during the day to do anything for me. So, that's why I consider nap time my sweet time. It's pretty much the only time of day that my house is quiet. Sometimes, I have to work during nap time, but every day I try to sneak in just 1 hour of "me" time. I put on Gilmore Girls and knit or do something else entirely for me. I need it or else I begin to get overwhelmed. Right now, it's my sweet time. I'm going to go take care of me.


Cheryl said...

That's great that you have planned you time. That is very important to have to function. I wish I could use my time better. Right now any free minute I get I sleep... so tired these days....but then that's pregnancy for you.

Anonymous said...

I echo your sentiments, and I miss the Gilmore Girls!

Shelley said...

Gilmore Girls rule.

The End.

Anonymous said...

I love nap time also!