September 9, 2008

13 Week Belly Pic

Now that I'm 13 weeks and starting to show a bit, I thought I'd post my first belly picture for your enjoyment. The picture on the left is me at 13 weeks this time around. The one on the right with me in the pink was me at 15 weeks when I was pregnant with Maddox.


Shelley said...

AWH! so cute!

Anonymous said...

Yay for nieces and nephews!

Candice said...

Hey Emily,

You are so cute--just as you always were. You look about the same in each picture, just 2 weeks difference? Well, I have just been out of it, and we've been a bit busy lately too. I will get blogging again soon with updates on the past month. Thanks for wondering. Take care:)

Cheryl said...

hey girl, hang in there. you'll be passed it soon. Try ginger pops or tea, it helps with the nausea. There's also vitamin B6 suckers you can get at the drug store that help. I'm praying about your house situation.

Hannah said...

You look great! Second time around you get bigger faster. Hope things are going well. I had to do a major spring clean today (yes, it's spring in Australia). Trying to get rid of all of the nastiness from the mice!

Nicole said...

Cute cute little baby bump :-) I hope its a girl so you can have one of each! But I hope its also whatever you guys want to ;-)

jacquelyn said...

are you sure you didnt just change your clothes for the pictures?(=
i was the exact same size with valen as dahlia, i kept expecting to blow up, hopefully you wont either!
you will feel better soon!!

Meggie said...

I think you look smaller this time around! You're such a cute prego girl! I love you!