August 6, 2007

Cleaning the Kitchen

We are having people over for dinner on Wednesday, so I have no choice but to clean, clean, clean. I've decided to take it one room at a time, one day at a time. Today, I'm tackling the kitchen. It's actually been fun! I've been moving from the right of my kitchen to the left. I took a before picture and then I'll take an after picture and post them later on. I'm not only cleaning (I could clean the kitchen in probably 15 min.), I'm DEEP cleaning the kitchen as well as organizing stuff. Since I'm now making baby food, I need to have my food processor and needed supplies on hand, so I'm working on rearranging some of my cupboards in order to make making baby food easier. Woohoo!

1 comment:

thesticklergirl said...

sounds like fun! Can't wait to see the before and after pictures!