August 7, 2007

Kitchen: Before and After

Okay, honestly what I'm about to show you is truly embarrassing. But, like sin, it's important to confess and in this case I feel like I need to be real and show you how I've been allowing us to live. Hold onto your seats because it's bad...

<--before after-->

<--before after-->

Not to sound arrogant or proud, I must say that I'm quite pleased with the results.

Now, the goal is to keep it this way!!!


Ellie said...

go you girlfriend!!

Anonymous said...

now, where did you stash all that stuff? that is what my kitchen looks like most of the time! (= good work!

thesticklergirl said...

Fabulous! What room is next? (not to overwhelm you but to keep the momentum going :)

Emily said...

He he...that's what so cool, I actually put stuff away where it belonged, or found a place for the out of place things. I can make a room look that clean by just moving everything onto my dining room table :-) That's not what I did this time, thank goodness!!

Bethany said...

Your kitchen looks great! It's amazing how much better you can feel when one part of the house is completely under control and usable. I've been trying to keep my kitchen's so much easier with this house...and when it is i feel like i can actually relax and enjoy life.

Unsinkable Kristen said...

Wow!! The kitchen looks awesome!! And you've totally inspired me to get going on my kitchen table. Let's just say that if it doesn't buckle down under the weight of stuff on it, I'll count it a miracle :)