January 28, 2009

Sad Realization

My one and only college roommate (Jackie) is engaged and getting married February 21st. It hadn't really crossed my mind that I shouldn't go to her wedding. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive. Kyle expressed hesitation with me going alone since I'd be 38 weeks pregnant, so he told me he definitely wanted to come with me. I just realized tonight it probably isn't a good idea to be that far away from my hospital that close to my due date.

I'm Sad.

Maddox arrived a week early and I've been having SO many Braxton Hicks lately (pretty much non-stop and they really don't feel good) that there is a very good possibility that Juliette might decide to show her pretty face early as well. I don't want to count on it or get my hopes up, but it was a realization that I needed to come to grips with tonight.



Hannah said...

awww i know what that's like. Those braxton hicks start so early second time around. It's so sad having to miss out on things. Better to be safe then sorry for sure! xo

Cheryl said...

Awww. That is sad to miss it. I know the feeling though. Bryce was 3 weeks early and so I was expecting Grant to be 3 weeks early but he came 2 weeks early. That one week was sooolong for me though.

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Anonymous said...

hey emily, we are bummed we wont get to hang out with you guys, but understand. i might drive an hour or so but 2 1/2 is a lot! i keep forgetting that you dont live in portland!
tell her to take a video!or do what ryan did (=

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

How sad! I know what you mean about frequent braxton hicks. I have them constantly at the end of my pregnancies. How exciting, though, that you get to meet your new little one soon!

Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway!

Meggie said...

Em, I'm so sorry. That's just lame. But, you're a really good momma to stay home!!