June 26, 2007

Cleaning Overhaul: Day 2

Here were my instructions for today:

Day 2

Today I want you get up and get dressed to lace up shoes when you first
get up in the morning. This means fix your hair and face too.

In order for us to change ourselves we need to remind ourselves of what
we are doing. I did this with yellow sticky notes throughout my home to
guide me through my day. This was the beginning of my home control
journal. I had little notes on my bathroom mirror to remind me to get
dressed to shoes. When you see the many reminders in your inbox from
Yahoo; just think of them as yellow sticky notes. You don’t have to do
them yet; they are just there as a little reminder. Read the subject line
and you will be absorbing the flow of them. Do not allow those voices in
your head to say this can’t possible work with so many emails. Then when
you hear those voices say I don’t have time. Set a timer for 2 minutes
and just read a little and then delete at will.

Shine your sink before you go to bed.

I also received this e-mail this morning:


1. Get up and weigh
2. Shower and get dressed to lace up shoes, fix your hair and face
3. While you are in the bathroom Swish and Swipe
4. Grab a load of laundry and start the washer
5. Check your calendar for today's activities
6. Empty dishwasher to start your day
7. Eat something good for you and take your medicine and vitamins
8. Drink your water.

Today is Tuesday. Have some fun today and take care of you!

It is 8:55am and I have done everything but wipe down the sink before bed (as it is only 8:55am). I already feel like I've accomplished SO much. And, even though only 2 small areas of my house are sparkling clean (my kitchen sink and my bathroom) I still feel better than ever.

I was going to start to "de-clutter" one room of the house today, but I've been having some terrible pain in my lower back and I have strict orders from my husband to take it easy today. A good friend of ours from our church, who is a doctor, told me to take lots of ibuprofen and to put heat on it. I don't like taking medication while breastfeeding, but I know it won't hurt Monkey and I really want the pain to be gone before leave next Monday for Florida.

Any who, there's my accomplishment for the day!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

WOW! look at what you accomplished so early in your day. That is so awesome!

I'm looking forward to next week and I'll blog my progress too!

I'm sorry to hear about your back. That's a big stink. I'll be praying for you!
